As many of you saw on my Facebook status, I was locked IN my apartment this past Wednesday morning. And yes, that would be IN, not out (Do I see an inquisitive look on your face?) My roomie and I were having troubles with our doorknob, and we had called maintenance a couple of times to come to our apartment and fix it. Well they didn't show up in time...
A Broken Door Knob...
I awoke at 5:15 a.m. and dragged myself out of bed to head to Cardio Knockout. I had psyched myself up for this class and knew I had to go since I would not have time to go to the gym after work. I headed for the door and gave a little smile when I looked at the clock and realized I was going to be a little early. (I am almost NEVER early to a 5:30 a.m. class) As I grabbed the door knob and unlocked it, nothing happened. The door knob simply turned, but the door did not open. I continued to try for the next 10 minutes as my hands turned red and blisters emerged from the constant twisting. It was official...I was locked IN my apartment.
To Work Out or Not To Work Out: That is the Question
So I was stuck in my apartment. I had two options here: Either I would get a work out in that day or I would not. With the amount of food I knew I would consume that day (office Christmas party) and the coming days of Christmas and lack of exercising, I knew I must get
some form of work out in. I decided to do my own form of Cardio Knockout in my room and add a few moves I learned in Sweatilates.
I moved my bed to make room, put my iPod on and went to town. I surprised myself with how much I could make myself sweat while just running in place! My cardio came from jumping jacks, mountain climbers and jumproping (without the rope). I did push-ups, wall sits, the Pilates sit-up, lunges and planks for my "toning" sections. I even took some heavy candles and turned them into "free weights" to work my triceps, shoulders and lats. (All of these ideas came from the multiple classes I have taken at Metro Fitness)
The Epiphany:
After I did these moves for about 40 minutes, I was tired and sweaty. It's amazing what can be done from your home! This made me realize that there should never be an excuse for not working out-even when I am traveling or the gym is closed, or in my case when you cannot get out of your apartment. There is always a way to get some form of exercise, whether it be 10 minutes to an hour. SOMETHING is better than NOTHING.
I would like to say that this epiphany will make me do something every day, but it won't. However, when I find myself making excuses to not work out, I will simply remember that morning of being forced to work out in my room and realize I must do something physical, whether it be at the gym, outside or in my house.
My Investments...
Since being locked in my house, there are a few things I've decided to invest in whenever I feel like working out from home...
1. Free Weights-These are easy to store and can be used for a variety of work outs. You can even lift these while watching TV!
Small Free Weights (I will probably purchase 3 & 5 lbs. free weights)
2. Resistance Bands- These also are easy to store and can be used for more resistance work outs. This can also be used while watching TV!
Bicep curls using resistance bands. (Hot shorts and camel toe, I know) |
3. Push Ups- Ok I know this isn't something you can purchase, but I do think you should invest your time into these. Push-ups can work every part of your body: your chest, shoulders, abs, back, legs, butt, etc. If you are pushed for time, I would recommend to do a few sets of these.
*I would challenge you to see how many "boy" push ups you can do before you start with the "girl" push ups. My max when I first started was 15 in a row. Now I'm up to 25!
How the story ends....
After waking up my roomie at 6:30 a.m. and calling the 24-hour maintenance line, I talked to someone on the phone who taught me how to "jimmy rig" my door open. It worked. We were free! The maintenance man finally showed up about 15 minutes until I had to go to work. We now have a new door knob and all is well at the Sims/Richards household!
Do you have any suggestions for anymore at home work outs?