Friday, October 29, 2010

The Boyfriend Layer

Almost everyone has heard of the boyfriend layer.  It's that extra layer of fat you seem to put on when you are in a relationship with someone.  I wanted to share this article that I found in Women's Health Magazine about relationships and weight gain-particularly in women.  Whether you're just starting to date someone or in love, the "boyfriend layer" seems to be inevitable.

This weekend might be my biggest challenge yet.  The challenge has to do with a boy...who I like... and have been dating long distance for about nine months now.  (We won't go into the complicated details, but you get the gist) On the few weekends we do get to see each other, one of the main things we do is EAT! And boy can we eat.  He has an appetite like I've never seen, and mine seems to almost keep up with his when he's around. The little will-power and healthy eating rules I have goes out the window when we are together.  For example....

 Yes, this is MY plate at Fox Bros. BBQ in Atlanta.  I ate about half of this and had to lay down the rest of the day because I was in a food coma.

Going out to eat is a fun way we connect and have a good time, and it seems like pigging out is even more fun when done together.  We're always looking for new restaurants to go to and see what kind of tastey food we can find. Whenever I'm confronted with an unhealthy food choice, I always think "Why not eat it? He's just going to be in town for a couple of days."  Then once he leaves, I'm left with feelings of food remorse and tighter pants.

I know cooking is always an option.  We've attempted to cook, but it always ends up being more of a hassel and takes time away from the little time we have together.  Maybe if we ever live in the same city it will be different...maybe.

Despite my recent change in eating habits, I'm still that hungry girl that loves junk food.  I'm expecting the worst and hoping for the best this I think about the Indian food I'm going to indulge myself in tonight :)

I'll report back next week.

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